A well-written resume is called a door opener and should be updated every year, as one accumulates new skills and competencies. There are various other advantages associated with a professional resume and these advantages are aligned with what employers are looking for. In essence, a good resume should not be put into a ‘bad pile’, not to be retrieved again! Read on to know more:
Such a resume can be constructed in a scan friendly manner that will give employers a chance to use resume-scanning technology.
Employers need to match a potential candidate with the job requirements at hand and the resume should help them in this regard. A professional resume provides a snapshot of a candidate’s competencies. The ideal is to have the first few bullets (those at the top of the resume) match the advertised job description.
Sometimes, a candidate’s situation is complicated. He/she may have to smoothen a bumpy work history. A professional resume hides shortcomings!
A good resume will be of just the required length that will catch the fancy of a hiring manager. It is expected that a fresh college graduate will not have the same resume as an experienced executive although many would still prefer a one pager to help break the small attention span!
Last but not the least, a professional resume will be free of typos, spelling and grammatical mistakes. When these appear, they make things professionally ugly!
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