Have you just passed out of college? Are you looking out for a job? You would now be actively involved in the process of job hunting and would be preparing your resume as the first step to build your career. Although a Resume is important and critical in helping you obtain a job, a business card does the same job and is perhaps more effective.
You may be wondering about the role of a business/networking card as you are yet to join a company. Rest assured that this is the right time to create a card as you need to do everything you can to market yourself as a qualified and competent candidate. Furthermore, it is cumbersome to carry around your resume to every place you go. The main benefit of a networking card is that it is a powerful marketing tool that can easily fit into your wallet. Here are some other benefits of business cards:
- Professional appearance:�You may meet different professionals at a social gathering or at a get together. It would be nice to introduce yourself by handing out your visiting card. You never know which potential employer might view your card and offer you a post.
- Stand out in the crowd:�Usually, qualified and competent professionals hold business cards with their designation and company name mentioned on the card. A business/networking card for freshers has the advantage of setting you apart. It sends across the message that you are serious about your career.
- Easy to use:�As mentioned earlier, a business card is smaller in size and can conveniently fit into your wallet or pocket. Moreover, in case you have been part of the organizing committee for a college event and want to stick your contact details on the bulletin board, you could stick your business card instead that would also impress the companies that come to your institution for campus recruitment.
Do you still need a reason to create your business card? However, while creating one, remember to keep it simple. A flashy visiting card may not grab the attention of the viewer. On the other hand, it may undermine the importance of the text. You could also include key skills and competencies in your business card, which gives the viewer an understanding of your skills, competencies and relevant experience at a glance.�