✔️Widen your professional network and seek advice within it for advancing your career and seeking new positions.
✔️Get access to limited job opportunities that are not widely advertised or may even be grabbed before being put out to the external world.
✔️Widening the network may be easy by making efficient use of professional networks like LinkedIn or Research Gate, if you are in academia.
✔️Try connecting with hiring managers and expressing your interest before shooting a formal application.
✔️Make a list of relevant contacts before tapping into them, so that your job search becomes easy.
✔️Don’t underestimate the power of current contacts and query them about any relevant job openings before you venture out to the new ones.
✔️Focus on forming healthy relationships, so that people speak positively about you. Many a times, managers prefer to hire friendly people in order to maintain a positive environment in companies even if that means relaxing the hiring criteria a bit.
✔️Participate in conferences and distribute your visiting cards to people. This is the best way that people are prone to remember you.
✔️Commit to making 2-3 networking contacts per week either online or in person.
✔️Don’t wait for the last minute to build your professional network. Keep making sustained and consistent efforts. You never know when you get a break in terms of a surprise offer or a new contract!
✔️When a contact gives you leads or referrals, be sure to ask for permission to use the contact’s name.
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