After spending a significant amount of time and effort on your resume, don’t miss out on the last and most crucial step of the resume preparation process—Proofreading. Here’s a checklist to help you review your resume and ensure that it is free from grammatical errors and typos:
Is the tense consistent across different sections of the resume? Check if you have used past tense for previous positions and present tense for current positions.
Are there sufficient action verbs in the resume? Ensure that you have begun your job descriptions with action verbs such as directed, collaborated, orchestrated, etc.
Is my resume filled with jargon? Your resume would be reviewed by technical as well as nontechnical experts. Hence, make sure that your resume is not bombarded with jargons.
Are there personal pronouns in my resume? Review your resume to make sure that you haven’t included personal pronouns such as I, me, you, we, etc.
Is the font clear and legible? While drafting your resume, use a simple and easy-to-read font.
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