Whom do I Address the Cover Letter to if I Don’t Know the Name of the Hiring Manager?

Before you sit down to write the cover letter, try your best to find out the name of the recruiter/hiring manager. There are different ways to do this:


Recheck the job posting: There are chances that you might have missed out crucial details.


Look up the email address given in the job posting: Use the email address to search for the name of the contact person on Google.


When in doubt, turn to LinkedIn: You could look at the company page on LinkedIn or search for names.


Check out the company’s website: The company’s website would include names of departmental heads.


Seek help from friends: Contact friends working in the given company.


Call up the office: Talk to the receptionist to find out the name of the given person.


If none of these methods have helped you find the name of the person, use the following generic greetings:

Dear Sales Team Hiring Manager

Dear Hiring Manager

Dear [Name of the Company] Team


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